Ancient Ayurvedic philosophy incorporates the five elements; Earth, fire, air and ether combine in pairs to form three dynamic forces, known as: Vata, Pitta, Kapha, read below to learn more and how to work out your own unique proportion of doshas.
Discovering Ayurveda's Three Doshas: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha
Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine, views health as a delicate balance between the body, mind, and spirit. According to Ayurvedic principles, the human body comprises three doshas or energies: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Understanding the characteristics and roles of each dosha can help us achieve optimal health and well-being.
Vata, the Dosha of Air and Ether.

Vata is associated with the elements of air and ether. It is responsible for the movement and communication in the body, including breathing, circulation, and nerve impulses. People with dominant Vata dosha are generally thinner framed, have dry skin and hair, and are usually creative, imaginative, and energetic. However, when Vata is imbalanced, it can lead to anxiety, dryness, constipation, and restlessness.

Pitta, the Dosha of Fire and Water
Pitta is associated with the elements of fire and water. It governs digestion, metabolism, and transformation in the body. People with dominant Pitta dosha are usually of medium build, have warm skin, and tend to be focused, intelligent, and ambitious. However, when Pitta is imbalanced, it can cause excessive heat in the body, leading to issues such as acidity, skin rashes, anger, and irritability.

Kapha, the Dosha of Earth and Water.
Kapha is associated with the elements of earth and water. It provides stability, lubrication, and nourishment to the body. People with dominant Kapha dosha are generally heavier set, have oily skin and hair, and tend to be calm, compassionate, and nurturing. However, when Kapha is imbalanced, it can lead to weight gain, congestion, lethargy, and attachment.

Balancing Doshas through the Seasons
Ayurveda emphasizes the importance of maintaining a balance among the doshas, as imbalances can lead to various health issues. One way to balance doshas is by adjusting our lifestyle and diet according to the seasons.
During the Vata season, which typically occurs in the fall and early winter, the weather becomes dry, cold, and windy, which can increase Vata dosha in the body. To balance Vata, it is important to keep warm, stay hydrated, and eat warm, moist, and nourishing foods such as soups, stews, and cooked grains. Avoiding cold, raw, and dry foods can also help balance Vata dosha during this season.
During the Pitta season, which usually occurs in the summer, the weather becomes hot, intense, and humid, leading to an increase in Pitta dosha. To balance Pitta, staying cool and hydrated and avoiding excessive heat, including spicy, oily, and fried foods, is important. Opt for sweet, bitter, and astringent foods such as fruits, vegetables, and grains to balance Pitta dosha during this season.
During the Kapha season, which typically occurs in late winter and early spring, the weather becomes cold, wet, and heavy, leading to an increase in Kapha dosha. To balance Kapha, it is important to stay warm, dry, and active, and avoid heavy, oily, and sweet foods. Opt for light, warm, and pungent foods such as spices, beans, and vegetables to balance Kapha dosha during this season.
Balancing Doshas through Food
In Ayurveda, food is considered a powerful tool to maintain the balance of doshas in the body. The tastes or flavours of foods can impact the doshas.

Determine your dosha below:
0-1 does not apply
2-3 somewhat applies
4-5 strongly applies
Add up your scores to reveal your dosha.
Answering the questions based on general trends throughout your lifetime is best. This will give you an indication of your underlying birth constitution. Then answer the questions according to how you look, feel and behave now. The second set of answers may reflect an imbalance in your doshas.
Physical characteristics:
I am slender and do not gain weight easily.
I am taller or shorter than average.
Thin describes many of my bodily features- neck, fingers and lips.
My energy levels go up and down and often come in bursts.
My appetite is variable.
I have a tendency to become bloated, gassy, or constipated.
My skin frequently feels dry.
I tend to have cold hands and feet.
I am a light sleeper and often have difficulty falling asleep.
I prefer warm, moist weather to cold or dry weather.
Psychological Characteristics:
I am creative and imaginative
I enjoy artistic forms and expression
My mind is active and often restless.
I daydream frequently.
I have a tendency to feel anxious, nervous or insecure.
I learn quickly, but I also forget quickly.
I speak quickly and use hand gestures
I am always on the go
My lifestyle and routine are irregular
My Dreams are colourful and active.
Physical Characteristics:
I have a medium build and can gain or lose weight easily.
My height is average
my physical features are sharp and pointed- such as my chin, nose and teeth.
My energy levels are high
My appetite is strong. i can eat large quantities of food.
My bowel movements are regular, I occasionally have diarrhoea.
I perspire quite easily
My skin is oily and has a pink or reddish tone.
My eyes are piercing and light in colour.
I prefer cooler weather and become quite irritable in hot weather.
Psychological Characteristics:
I am goal oriented,
I have a good sense of humour
I have a strong intellect and enjoy learning new things
I have a natural ability to lead others.
I am a perfectionist
I tend to become irritable if I skip a meal.
Many people think I am stubborn.
I tend to become irritable, impatient and angry.
I enjoy competition
I am critical of myself and others.
Physical Characteristics:
Gain weight easily and lose weight with great difficulty
I am short and stocky or tall and large.
Thick best describes my bodily features- neck, fingers and lips.
I have a lot of strength and stamina
My digestion is weak, and I often feel heavy after eating.
My bowel movements are highly irregular
My skin is smooth and oily and tends to be pale
I sleep deeply and soundly
I catch colds quite frequently
I prefer hot weather over cold or damp weather.
Psychological Characteristics:
I have a big heart and prefer to focus on the good in the world.
I am calm in nature and not easily angered
I prefer a slow, relaxed lifestyle
I don't learn as quickly as others, but my long-term memory is excellent
I become sentimental quite easily, I often think of the past
I am methodical in my actions
I am highly protective of myself and my family
I let negative emotions build up rather than address them
I usually let others take the lead
I am a natural listener and frequently help others with their problems.
Now that you have a better understanding of your Dosha, you may find it easier to balance your. constition when you feel little off or out of sync with your nature.
Thanks for reading!