How and When to cleanse your home/ work spaces.

Ever walked into a room and said aloud, "Ooh, there is a lovely energy in here", almost like the space you entered gave you a big warm hug? Let me also ask you, Have you ever felt the opposite? Where you have felt cold, nervous, almost like you are being watched?
Find out what space clearing secrets and tools I use to clear out the old stale negative energy in the home or Yoga Studio.
Energy de-cluttering
The art of space clearing has been around for thousands of years and a space that has been purified feels better. It can improve stress-related illness, deepen relationships, and create an abundance of prosperity. While many of these ancient traditions have withered in our modern, technology-mad world, there are several who practice this sacred ceremony. You can be one of them too.
When should I do the energy clearing?
Before the construction of a new home
Before moving house
After a misfortune, e.g. illness, divorce, death, losing your job
Anytime you need a 'lift.'
Before celebrating a rite of passage, Cleanse before bringing home a new baby, the arrival of someone special, a marriage ceremony.
New Moon/ Full Moon/ Seasonal Solstice
First thing in the morning or before bed, is most beneficial.
Spring Clean We often naturally feel the pull to do a deep spring clean and de-clutter the 'messy drawer'. Spring Solstice represents re-birth and an energetic re-set. And any time you are looking at or setting new personal/ professional goals for the year. Cleanse and purify the energy of yourself and your home too. The perfect re-set tool.
"Imagine yourself living in a space that only contains things that spark joy." – Marie Kondo, Author of 'The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up'.
Tool Kit
Dried Sage wand is also known as a smudge stick you can waft with hand or feathers Available to purchase at Yoga House.
Palo Santos, also known as 'Holy Wood', sustainably harvested from Peru, Ecuador, or other parts of South America. Peruvian Palo Santos available to purchase at Yoga House.
Rattles, drums, singing/ sound bowls, chanting, e.g. AUM Sanskrit or Zen Buddhism 'Cho Ku Rei' for protection. Sound Bath events held monthly at Yoga House.
Essential Oils to diffuse, such as Lavender, Peppermint, Lemon and rosemary, are all known for purifying and uplifting. I love Doterra oils, but I often find what I am looking for in the chemist.
Indian/ Japanese/ incense sticks I'm obsessed with Sai Baba, Satya, Nag Champa $3.90 available to purchase at Yoga House, Orewa.
Crystals Amethyst, Obsidian, Smokey Quartz and selenite are all wonderful for energy clearing and protection. A selection of crystals available to purchase at Yoga House. If not in the market to buy crystals, then get some fine Himalayan Pink salt from the supermarket that works well too.
Got the gear? Now what?
Set your intention. What would you like to attract into your space? What would you like to remove?
A less overwhelming thing to think about is emotions; remove the tiered, restless/ fatigue or lack of motivation or simply put the negative energy. Inviting in laughter, inner fulfilment and calm or insert the lovely fuzzies you value most, the postive energy.
Light your sage stick or palo santo at a 45-degree angle, tip toward the lit match or lighter
Allow it to burn for 30 seconds, and then blow it out.
Walk to the corners of your space, reach up high and around windows and doorways - the entry point of energy and lightly wave the wand/ stick. Holding your intention in either your mind or saying it aloud for extra power.
When finished, place the wand onto a heat-proof surface. I like to use a large shell. If you don't live near the beach, look out for a Paua or an abalone shell in gift shops. A heat-proof plate will work too. (Warning * never leave unattended around children and pets)
Place your crystals by the entryway or window ledge on the coffee table. Perhaps start a little sacred alter in your home, where you can display and keep your precious things. Just be mindful of what crystals you place in your bedroom. I recently slept next to a Quartz crystal, which gave me the craziest/ most weirdest dreams!
Happy Energy Cleansing!
Now that you know how much I love a good smudging session, I hope you feel empowered on how to cleanse yourself or your own space anytime you feel you need a natural 'lift'.
Thanks for reading.
Sophie xox